The Surfing Problem
LeRoy Grannis- Publication
- Surfing Illustrated (Winter 1962) - Volume 1, Issue 1
- Year
- 1962
Much has been said about the hazards that surfers and their surfboards create for swimmers, and even more has been written about the trouble surfers cause when they’re out of the water, but the fact is, the majority of beach cities that claim to have “Surfer Problems” have done little or nothing to help the situation.
In the summer, when young surfers crowd the beaches, they are run out of the water between 11:00 and 12:00 noon to make way for the swimmers. Little provision is made for surfers only; the few places allocated are extremely crowded. There are many blocks of oceanfront which have only a handful of swimmers all day long, but no one can surf there because the rules are absolute.
If one block out of every six were set aside for surfing only, it would help considerably. The United States Surfing Association should get together with the County Lifeguards and the City Councils to discuss ways and means of instituting a program to help the young surfers.
My suggestions are these: Rules should be drawn up and circulated among the surfers. If surfers fail to comply with these regulations, a system of surfboard confiscation should be inaugurated to impress upon the nonconformists the importance of respect for the well-being of the group. This could apply to the tough boys who have to start a fight every time someone rides in front of them, or the foul-mouth who can be heard clear up the beach, or the surfer who changes clothes on the beach without benefit of cover.
The sport of surfing is too large and is enjoyed by too many, to let a few showoffs ruin it!
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This magazine, Surfing Illustrated, which will probably be better known as SI, was originated with the idea of raising the quality of all things pertaining to the world of surfing. We’d like to see the whole sport considered on the same level with other outdoor sports, and enjoy the same prestige as skiing and sailing.
People criticize the sport of surfing, saying “Just look at the kids who surf—drinking, smoking.” But what these people fail to realize, is that the kids who are doing these things would be doing them anyway as they went through this phase of growing up, whether they were surfers, hot-rodders, skiers, whatever. At least the kids are out in the sun, in a vigorous sport which is conducive to good body development; we’re not saying that what the 10% of the really bad kids are doing is right, but there will always be that 10%. It’s up to us, the older surfers, to set the example. Fortunately, more and more surfers are realizing that they will have to straighten up or the sport will become extinct.
A group of people formed the United States Surfing Association for the betterment of surfers and surfing. The opening of the beaches for surfers and more control of the sport, were two of their objectives. But has this happened?
The USSA has great backing and 1,700 members. They’ve elected a wide and varied group of directors who are very capable of helping the sport.
But does the average person know enough about this organization? Do you know when there are meetings, or how to get a hold of a copy of the Minutes to those meetings? Do you even know who the President is?
We think the USSA is needed in this sport if surfing is to grow up out of its infancy into a well-thought-of sport, but we feel there has not been enough of the right kind of moves made for the benefit of the surfer. Let’s see and hear more things from this organization.
And let’s hear from you. We welcome your letters, your ideas, your opinions. SURFING ILLUSTRATED P.O. Box 697 Hermosa Beach, California
We’re doing our part to help the sport—how about you?